Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pictures I've Needed to Post

First day of school
Alec got the Super Star Award!

Day trip to Silver Dollar City last weekend!

 Here's a video of us in Grandfather's Mansion. The floor is slanted, and the kids had a little trouble walking. I thought we had more footage, but you get the idea. It really is hard to walk in there!

Monday, September 5, 2011


I swear, everytime I think I'm sort of caught up on blogging, weeks and weeks go by, and I realize all of the things I've been thinking about writing about haven't been written. But, that is life!

This fall is going to be BUSY! I know, you're really surprised right? Because usually I just lay low and constantly chillax. :-) To our schedule from last year, we've added the following: a dance class for the kids, a swim class for Alec, another day that the kids go to MDO, Jen (and eventually Aaron-he gives guitar lessons Wed night) will now be co-teaching Kids' Church on Wednesday nights, and oh yeah, here's the clencher...I'm setting Party Scene in the IPAC Nutcracker.

Now, I used to be ALL ABOUT the magic of Nutcracker. I've been in about 5 different companies' productions of Nut. I didn't truly tire of it until I danced in the Tulsa Ballet Nut, and we did 28 shows. That wouldn't have been a problem, except that I was living away from and missing my husband...and I was really tired of that. With WAB, I had an opportunity to set almost every part of the production on company and non-company dancers, and to dance several roles. Although some of the magic came back working with so many kids who got so excited by it, it also wore me out completely because we would rehearse Nut from Sept -show, and I would have to commute 6, but often 7, days a week to Ft. Smith. So, honestly, when I was first approached about helping out with the IPAC Nut, my mind immediately focused on all of the weekends I would lose with my family to be setting and rehearsing Nut.

It's really an odd situation, because Catherine, the woman I used to work for when it was CBA, had already secured the Arend Arts Center for Dec 3-4 for Nut...but then when the studio changed hands and she took a job that would not allow her to be gainfully employed elsewhere, she offered the opportunity to IPAC to take it over. Because none of the "ballet" people at IPAC really have the time to completely take over Nut, there are 6 of us who will be collaborating. I went ahead and agreed, because they agreed that I could set my rehearsal schedule. I will set Party Scene only. That is another reason I feel that it's doable...since I'm not responsible for the entire thing.

Anyways, auditions are the 10th. I will probably spend the entire day at the studio. Nut auditions are always a marathon. Not sure yet when rehearsals will begin. It's either going to be really great because all of us who are collaborating are sharing the work load...OR it's going to be a pain in the butt because there are so many of us collaborating...and that will require A LOT of GOOD communication. We'll see how it goes. I'll keep you updated as we get into the swing of things.