Thursday, February 25, 2010

One Day of Warmth

A week ago today, I was able to take the kids to the park...and we didn't even have to wear coats! It was soooo nice to be able to play outside, and not be stuck in our cave while the Arctic Tundra continues outside. This was also the first time I've ever been "crazy" enough to let them play on the actual playground equipment without Daddy with us. Usually we just do the swings when it's just me and them...and then we walk and go back home. But the playground we were on has some small toddler slides. I just had to watch them like a hawk so they wouldn't go to the upper levels to the more dangerous stuff. It was a little scary, but I thought I'd see how it went. No, they didn't want to leave. It was like putting two wriggling, screaming banshees back in the stroller. But luckily, we were alone. :-)


Veronica Maria said...

LOVE the sunglasses:)

The Berry Family said...

We bought Ruth a slide for her birthday. I can't wait to see pictures of this massive toy slide you speak of.