Today, I took the gate around the tv down. I'm getting ready for the Moms of Multiples Club spring consignment sale. I have a lot of big items to sell this time around. Another big gate, a double stroller, 2 pack-n-plays, 2 sets of Winnie the Pooh crib bedding, and 2 high chairs, plus some toys and a bunch of clothes. It's making me sad. I feel like a lot of these things signify babiness...and selling them the loss of it.
Alec and Emma will turn THREE on April 4th. I'm not sure why, but I feel like three is huge. I mean, they'll really be little kids. Think about all of those toys and activities that are "3 and up." It's like they are joining a special new club now. And while I'm really excited about all of the fun new things we'll be able to take part in as they grow, I still have a little pit in my stomach thinking of what has been left behind. HOWEVER, I am able to live in reality and be glad that we all get a lot more sleep at this point, have a lot more freedom, and aren't nearly as confined as we were when they were younger. And the whole being potty trained, except for pooping in the potty does tend to remind me that they are still little. :-)
One new development that has presented itself recently is that Emma is having a bout of separation anxiety. She has always been very independent. While they've both had episodes here and there of not wanting me to leave them in the nursery, or at school... by and large they've been fine. Well, last week, Emma started getting real squirrelly when we went to the gym on Thursday. She kept asking to go potty over and over, while Alec had already gone into the activity room to play. Then when I took her to the activity room, she threw herself into a full-blown fit. So, that day, I just took them home. Alec, decided to throw a fit too, on the way home, because he was upset that he didn't get to play at the gym. They were both mad that we didn't go to the park as promised (to take place after the gym)...but my mantra is THROWING A FIT WILL NEVER EVER GET YOU WHAT YOU WANT...even if it means I have to suffer too. Dang, being a parent and sticking to your guns really stinks sometimes.
So, Friday came around and we repeated the gym experience complete with kicking screaming fit on Emma's part. Only, this time the lady at the YAC convinced me to let her stay. I ran 3 miles totally stressed out and wondering if my child was making everyone in the activity center crazy. When I went to get her, I was told that she stopped crying after I left and was fine and played fine. Phew!
Fast forward to Monday, Mom's Day Out (we call it school). Same game. Alec goes in fine. Emma decides she needs to potty and asks repeatedly to go because she doesn't want to go to class. Again, kicking screaming fit. Again, I leave feeling awful and guilty and like "what the heck?" Spent the whole morning worrying again, only to go pick them up and be told again that she was fine within minutes and the day progressed as usual.
The thing is, we've talked about each episode and she clearly acts like she likes school and the gym and wherever I'm leaving her...BUT I think she's just at a place right now that her mind can't override her emotions right now, and she's just freaking out at the thought of me leaving her. Even in the car ride the last few times to whatever place, it's like she's trying to psyche herself out saying that she likes the gym and school and that she doesn't want to cry...but when we get there, she can't help but breakdown.
Yesterday, she did better at the gym. She didn't launch into the fit, just some light crying. That, to me, is a major and welcomed improvement. I'm praying that she will snap out of this soon... and that Alec won't follow in her footsteps.
So, that's my news. I'm finding it harder and harder to get updates on the blog because I'm really trying to prioritize my time the right way. The kids will NOT let me do anything computer related during their waking hours, and the two hours that they nap are needed for me to either clean or sleep or catch up on my faith journal, and the evening is for the few hours that I actually get to see my husband.
So, we are planning their birthday party as just a family affair. We are going to celebrate with Mimi, Papa James, Aunt Chrissy, cousin Kylie and Nana. Alec has been asking for a Spiderman cake, and Emma wants Dora. They've had this plan for months now. They know they're turning three years old, and I've promised them that one big thing will be that we will go get them library cards and start checking out books (like Dora). They are stoked.
Oh yeah, and one last thing. I'm getting Zumba certified this month. :-)