Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pray Without Ceasing

I hate that I have become a "once a month" poster. I write this blog for friends and family that don't live close enough to get the scoop on the "everyday stuff." But I also write it for look back on and remember the "everyday stuff."

The week before last was a BIG week of prayer for me. We are doing a thing in our church where we are focusing on one scripture or passage of scripture weekly. They've made key fobs with the verses for us to have handy. The scripture for that week was 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. It was very appropriate.

The first big thing that I was praying for was in regard to my friend Natalie. She is a good friend from OU and a Bible-believing Christian and she has a daughter A&E's age and a son a little younger. Some bloodwork from a routine physical showed that her platelet count was very low, and long story short, the doctor thought that it was most likely leukemia or aplastic anemia. Both would require chemo. It took a long time to get results, and many people were interceding for her. I was praying that it would be neither...that it would be something they hadn't thought of, and just for the preservation of her life.

The second big thing I was praying for was in regard to my friend V. She is expecting and has been having a rough time with nausea and some other complications, and was put on bedrest for a little while. So, I've really been praying for Baby Cano...Honeybadger, as baby has affectionately been nicknamed...because baby doesn't really care how it makes Momma feel! And praying for V too...that the next trimester will bring relief!

The third big thing was for Aaron. A while back, he was asked to consider an eldership position in our church. We were both kinda like "huh, elder?!" Our board of elders is short, and so I believe the board has been looking to add one or two more men. Aside from the fact that at first we were both thinking that elders should be a bit more, well...elderly (or at least more seasoned, with more life experience, or something like that), we were also thinking "shouldn't we be waaaay more spiritual?" Yes, I said we. I said we because if he's to be an elder, and we are "one," then I, as the elder's wife, must also assume the charge and responsibility in some fashion as well. After talking to all of the elders and the pastor about the responsibility, etc...and after a LOT of prayer, examination of the scriptures regarding eldership, and realizing that he was asked for a reason...we've finally made a decision.

So, how do all of these stories unfold? Well, my friend Natalie got the results that we were hoping for...NOT CANCER! Doctor has no idea why her blood is the way it is, but it's not leukemia OR aplastic anemia. She will see a specialist to make a better determination.

My friend, V, is off of bedrest and I'm continuing to believe for a healthy, more enjoyable pregnancy.

Aaron decided that he is willing to be an elder, and I think we've both really felt confirmation from the Lord about it. When it comes down to it, we both care very much about our church, the vision God has for it, and its direction. We both care very much about our church family. And we both care very much about God's plan for spiritual growth for both of us. And I really feel this is another way that he can serve and use his giftings. He will have to be voted in by the membership at our next business meeting/election. So, we shall see how that turns out.

These obviously aren't the only things that I've been praying about. They just happen to be a few of the things that really received a timely answer and were pressing. I'm glad that God gave us prayer, a way to communicate with him, to thank him, to ask of him. So glad that he wants to have a relationship with me, and wants to hear what I have to say!


The Berry Family said...

Thanks for praying, for sharing part of my story and for, well, everything. And congrats on the elder thing. Very cool.

Veronica Maria said...

I love you:)