Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Okay, first let me make a disclaimer that neither Aaron or I are real huge supporters of Halloween. His family didn't celebrate Halloween, and though mine was made very clear that we would never be allowed to dress up as anything ghostly, goulish, devilish, satanic, or otherwise anti-Christian. Often we went to church sponsored Hallelujah events instead...but we were allowed to get candy and for my sister and I, that's all it was about...getting candy. Aaron didn't miss out on the candy part though. His mom would buy them candy...they just wouldn't dress up and go around the neighborhood to get it. Anyway, all this to say...we are dressing the babies up for fun and to take pictures, and because all of Aaron's team at Wal-Mart really wants us to bring them by for festivities today. Alec is going to be a football and Emma is going to be a peapod. It's really just an excuse to make them look cute...which they always do anyway, but I digress. I will post pictures as soon as we have them. We will not be feeding the babies candy, duh! But we will accept candy and eat it for them. Whether you choose to endorse, enjoy, or ignore this holiday...have a great day and a great weekend!


Veronica Maria said...

Halloween actually comes from a Catholic tradition (All Saints Day & Day of the Dead)...the other things are just people being dumb...besides I remember "Doctor Jennifer" trick or treating in high school. Hahaha, I have to go find those pictures now!!!

Veronica Maria said...

& on another note, seriously, WHY did you let me wear a billboard shaped like a hamburger? i think you thought it was funny...especially the getting egged part...:)