Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Last Two Weeks

So, I know I haven't posted much in the last two weeks. At least I got several of the C'mas pics posted. The first week back from our cross-country adventures was spent indoors, due to the insanely frigid temperatures and snow, sleet and ice. I think the kids and I left the house once. It was just too stinkin' cold. I think one day the wind chill was -20! I mean, where do we live? Fargo??? Anyways, we miss the nice, mild, South Texas temperatures that were so lovely.

Then, last week, I tried to catch up on all of the things that I didn't get done the week before, because I was still getting over traveling for 10 days. This week was like a heat wave, compared to the last week. 42 degrees felt fantastic! It's nice to know that you're skin isn't going to freeze in like two minutes when you go outside! Plus, it's warm enough for me to run outside again. The weather was keeping me from my morning routine.

Speaking of routines...the twins are pretty much down to one nap per day, except in very rare circumstances. So...there's another reason it's tough to get my posts done. And, Emma came down with a fever on Wednesday, and was feeling puny until Friday morning. My aunts, Phyllis and Eula, came to visit us on Friday on their way from Nashville to Oklahoma. They brought some very nice Christmas gifts for the kids, and stayed with us until Saturday.

Last night, Alec came down with fever (to be expected- he generally follows Emma about a day later or vice versa). So, we stayed home from church today. We're just chillaxing at the house today...and trying to get a few things done about the house.We did finally take the Christmas lights down outside, and all of the decorations put up into the attic.

So, there are a few updates. Until next time...bye!

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