Thursday, June 10, 2010

Running Revelation

Okay, so before I talk about the Dude Ranch...I want to mention that I had a lot of time to think while I was doing all of that running. At the Stroman track, I saw older people and younger people. I saw a lot of high school kids acting like high school kids, and it really struck me how far removed from that season of my life I feel. In some ways, I feel like it wasn't that long ago...but when I look at how very different my life is now, I definitely feel OLDER! I have to say that I had quite a moment of clarity!

I was meditating on how I'm about to turn 30 in September, and it seems like a turning point. A new decade, and a leaving behind of the twenties. At first I was feeling sad, but then I was hit with an amazing realization. I AM HAPPIER NOW THAN I HAVE EVER BEEN! Why the heck should I feel bad about moving into the thirties when I have everything I want right now?! I'm married to the greatest husband and father in the world. I have the two most amazing and adorable children on the planet. And we have everything we need. God has provided for us in ways that I would have never imagined 10 years ago!

I'm not saying that I have arrived or anything. I'm just saying that I think I've come to a place where I am really content, comfortable with who I am right now, and super grateful for all of the blessings and lessons the Lord has brought me thus far.

I think one of the secrets of life is just to try to appreciate and bloom right where you are planted in any given season, because the seasons will most certainly change!


Tonia said...

I turned 30 in February so I know exactly what you're talking about. But you're right. You have everything you need and a wonderful (and adorable) family. Progressing into your 30s can't be as bad as we thought it would.

Although it still seems like we're not grown ups yet. Kind of weird but I always felt like people in their 30s new everything, were responsible, established and were actually adults. I guess no matter how old you are, you're always still learning.

kathy said...

When I was in my 20's I always felt it would be wonderful to grow old, because I would have everything that bothered me all "figured out". Guess what? I do have the worries of early adulthood "figured out". Having turned 50, it is a whole new set of worries that I am sure I will know what to do about when I'm 70! Now this retired person just needs to decide what to be when I "grow up".