Thursday, August 26, 2010

When Life Hands You Lemons...

just be grateful that they're lemons...and not brussel sprouts.

So, almost two weeks ago, after a softball game, Aaron noticed a sore on his leg. Since he's had staph/MRSA before (in Jan 08 when I was pregant,) we pay close attention to any sores that pop up. Well, Friday he started to run a fever. Saturday, after he took his mom to the Tulsa airport, he was really feeling bad, so he went to the clinic to have it checked out. Well, they sent him to the ER. Apparently he had a deep infected abscess, so it needed to be lanced and drained. He came home from the ER hurting and pretty torn up. They told him to go see his normal doctor in 3 days.

Two days later, Monday, he was feeling wierd, light headed. We both decided he should get in to the doc a little earlier. So, that afternoon, he saw his doc, who very quickly admitted him to the hospital in Rogers. He needed to be on iv antibiotics and needed to have his wound cared for there. After a rookie nurse completely missed his veins twice, someone else finally got his iv catheter placed. Then they started a process called repacking. They pull the gauze out of the wound, and then poke a bunch more gauze in. It's soaked in a disinfectant solution to help the wound get cleaned out. It has to heal from the inside out. They can't just sew him up, and send him on his way.

He was in the hospital until Thursday afternoon. They had run a sonogram on his leg to see if there were anymore areas to drain, and said that they saw a little fluid but no need for further surgery. It was determined that it was MRSA, and we got info about following an anti-MRSA regiment at home.

WELL...Friday morning when I took him to the wound clinic to be seen by a wound specialist, he disagreed. He cut him even more. In fact, now his wound is twice as long of an incision as it was, just not as deep (thank God!) All of this, on his 30th birthday. Sorry it was such a bummer of a birthday, honey! I have to care for him at home, but repacking his wound twice a day. I am much nicer than the nurses at the hospital though. I don't do it like I'm poking around at wood on a fireplace. I hate seeing him in pain.

He has a follow up at the wound clinic tomorrow, so hopefully we will get good news:'s healing nicely and we don't have to repack it so often or at all. Please pray for my hubby. He's working from home and hanging in there, but I know he's tired of this. It's a slow healing process. I want to give a shout out to our awesome friends and church family for stepping up and bringing us meals and offering childcare so I could be with Aaron at the hospital. And to all of those who called to offer encouragement. It was pretty impossible for me to let everyone know what was going on. It was just too crazy.

Last week was a week I'd rather not repeat, but it could have been worse. It could have been more serious, more unpleasant...or it could have been one of the kids. For that, and a million other things that the Lord reminds me of daily, I'm really thankful. Please pray for him when God puts him on your heart!


The Berry Family said...

Wow!!!!!! Glad you are hanging in there.

Tonia said...

That's crazy! I'm glad he's okay and that all of you made it through the terrible ordeal.

Lee & Haley said...

I'm sorry to hear that Aaron is having to deal with MRSA and the whole wound care process! Sounds like Nurse Jennifer has it under control....glad y'all are doing much better!!