Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Parenting is hard.

Today I read an article that I really needed to read. I needed it because yesterday was HARD. I took the kids to dance class at 10:30 as per usual on Tuesday morning, and I was pretty much appalled by their wild behavior and inablility to control themselves and listen to the teacher. Most of the time, they behave pretty well in class, and love what they are doing, and have tons of fun. But they both just wanted to run around, do their own thing, and just generally not be attentive. I sat, watching the monitor, for 20 minutes before I couldn't take anymore. I went in, and called them out of tell them that we were done with dance for the day because they couldn't behave. Well, then two wild fits ensued...which was pretty much aweseomely disruptive, and awesomely embarrassing in front of the other moms. Within a few minutes, the class was over and Miss Rachel came out. I made them apologize, and off we went.

When we got home, they were disciplined for the misbehavior and for the fits. And they spent the day without tv and without their handheld games.

As a parent it stinks when your kid misbehaves...for one because you want them to act better/know they can act better...and for two, because often you are surrounded by people who may or may not be judging you on your capabilities/inabilities as a parent. Training up a child in the way that they should go is kind of like training for a run. You have to be diligent and disciplined every day, or things start to slip. It is a fantastically wonderful challenge, but some days are just really hard.

So, today I was grateful to read this article that a friend had shared on fb. I appreciate the honesty and candor. I hate that as moms it's like an unwritten rule that you can't ever admit that you've lost a battle, or that you were flat out defeated...or you could be labeled as one who is doing it all wrong.

Here's the truth that I live. I have two amazing kids. For the great majority of the time, I am full of joy and gratitude to be doing what I am doing as a SAHM. But the reality is also that I have two 3 1/2 year olds. And some days that gets down right rough. And I'm doing the best I can, with what I get each day.

Here's the link to the article. I know some Mommies who might just appreciate it as much as I did!

And just for the has been a much better day. :-)


Veronica Maria said...

i kind of think it's awesome that part o their punishment was to take away their handheld games :)

kathy said...

Never doubt for a minute that you and Aaron are amazing parents! I am in awe of how smart the kids are, and very well behaved the majority of the time. I agree being a Mom is hard work, but it also has the best rewards. Love you all =)