Monday, January 12, 2009

Claudia and Christy

This post is a shout-out to some of our favorite people, Claudia (on the left) and Christy (on the right)! They are friends from church, and they are currently missionaries to El Salvador through In His Name Ministries. Claudia is originally from Peru, and Christy is an Okie, like me. Boomer! (Even though after the bowl game performance, I am still in mourning.) Their activities in San Salvador/ Jiquilisco include literacy programs, children's ministries, food distribution, and English classes, as well as other evangelistic endeavors. These ladies are people that Aaron and I strive to emulate. Their strong faith, and their determination to follow the Lord's call, wherever it may lead, serves as an example to our entire church body. We had the opportunity to serve on a short -term missions team with them in the summer of 2006, when we went to Costa Rica for Christ for the Cities International. We know that they are accomplishing so much for the Lord in El Salvador, and we will continue to support their service there. We have been happy to spend some time with them, while they've been home on break. It's been great having them home, and though they are headed back to El Salvador on the 16th, we look forward to seeing them again when they are back in Arkansas in March. We love you, Christy and Claudia!


Anonymous said...

This is so very sweet you guys. Thanks so much for your love and your friendship. I enjoyed getting to spend time with you and get to meet your babies!!!!! So adorable! I'm honored to have you in my life!

Anonymous said...

Yeah thanks from me too! I really enjoyed our visits and enjoy being a super star on your babies page!! Hugs! Christy