Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nine Month Checkup

Well, we just got back from taking the babies for their nine month well visit with the pediatrician. Everything went great! Their stats are as follows:

Weight 17lbs. 14oz. 15%
Length 29 inches 75%
Head Circumference 17 3/4 inches 40%

Weight 16lbs. 2oz. 5%
Length 27 1/4 inches 30%
Head Circumference 17 1/4 inches 30%

As you can see, they are long and skinny. They are right on target for all of their developmental milestones. We are now allowed to feed them anything soft or small that they will eat...that's not too heavily seasoned...except for honey, eggs, citrus and peanut butter. They have been working on feeding themselves with fruit puffs and small pieces of noodles and veggies. They already use sippy cups for diluted juice and water, but we will start giving them formula in their sippy cups soon, in the hope that they will be completely off of bottles by their first birthday. This would be I am so over bottle duty!

Another very interesting piece of info is that when we were at the doctor's office, there were two other sets of twins there! There was a 15 month old boy/girl set in the lobby, and another infant set that came out right as we were going in. They looked to be about 6 months old. There is something in the water in NW Arkansas, I guess. Just kidding! I pretty much gave the Lord a laundry list of what I wanted when I prayed for my children. I requested twins...a boy and a girl. And my cup runneth over! We are so incredibly blessed to have Alec and Emma, and I give Him glory and gratitude for every good report and healthy day!

1 comment:

Veronica Maria said...

i am, but apparenlty no one can ever find me. i think i have high privacy options or something...look for my hotmail account. i'll search for you too.