Tuesday, February 24, 2009

O' For a Thousand Tongues to Sing...

Okay, so this post is mostly for my friend Natalie (see Ruth's Blog). Nat, I know you are a big proponent of "real church" with hymns. And though we attend an Open Bible church with worship that consists of mostly contemporary praise songs, we also sing hymns too. I have gone to both types of churches, and I connect deeply with both types of music.

The reason I am posting is that on Sunday, as we were getting ready for church, I had one of the "church channels" playing on TV. It was a rather traditional service (I'm guessing Church of Christ) because there were no instruments. The kids were playing in the octagon. Whenever the choir would start singing their hymns, Alec and Emma would crawl over to the side facing the screen, stand up, and stare...totally zoned-in to the singing of the hymns.

As Aaron and I watched them, I couldn't help but think of what Natalie would say. Probably something to the effect of "Now they know good church music!" in her beautiful native-Arkansan accent.

What is it about hymns that do the heart and spirit so much good? Is it the faithfulness of the words and melodies that remind us of God's faithfulness? Is it that so many are based directly on scripture, so that we can further meditate on the truth of the Word? Just so you know, Nat and others, my grandfather was a preacher, and we always sang hymns. In fact, I can remember many a time as a little girl, belting out Blessed Assurance...they always made me sing a special. And even though I love contemporary music as well, I agree that hymns have a timelessness about them. The seasoned saints who wrote How Great Thou Art and It is Well With My Soul not only understood trial and triumph and reverence, they conveyed it.

I'm glad that my children are drawn to music of all kinds, but I especially hope that as they grow their hearts take joy in worship, and that they find freedom in praise!


Lee & Haley said...

I get slammed on this so much, but.....I LOVE HYMNS!! It makes for an interesting conversation with Lee because he led the music at his church which was very modern and non-traditional.

I think the reason I love them so much is because they aren't AS repetitive as some of the modern stuff and they are very intellectually stimulating. Where else do you get to use the word "bulwark?"

Glad to hear the babies like music--always a good thing!

You'll have to take lots of pics at the VBT reunion. I'll be out of town (as usual) and not able to attend. Well, off to my adult ballet class!!!

The Berry Family said...


And your comment about me is exactly what I would say. Awesome.

I had several friends who went to that church (or what I think is your church) in college. So funny that you live roughly where I went to undergrad. I bet it has changed so much. My niece is a freshman now at UofA. Go Hogs. Go Ozarks. Go Hymns.