Monday, March 9, 2009

Shout-Out to our Saturday Girls!

We just want to take a minute to publicly thank Melissa, Amanda, Kim and Sarah...our Saturday girls!

Melissa works with Daddy, and he plays on a Springdale softball team with Melissa, Amanda and Sarah. Sarah and Amanda are sisters and Kim and Melissa are sisters. Though none of these ladies have children yet, they are moms at heart because they all take super care of us!

On a regular basis, they offer to come over (usually Saturday afternoons) and watch us so that Mommy and Daddy can go and have a lunch date and run around town alone. We don't even care that they're gone because we have SO much fun with our Saturday girls. Mom and Dad are super grateful that they have been so kind to give of their time and energy (it takes a lot of that to watch us...why do you think that they come in packs of 3 or 4?!)

Mom has been wanting to get a picture of us with our Saturday girls, but it keeps slipping her mind. Hopefully, we'll get a pic up soon.

Thanks again, to each of you for being so special to us, and for giving our parents a much-needed break, and some time to themselves. You are each an enormous blessing to our whole family, and we love you!!!

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