Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Gift of A Child

Last night, I was watching The Nativity Story. I was struck with thoughts about how difficult and challenging it must have been for Mary. We often think of how amazing it must have been to be the chosen virgin who would carry the Christ child. I never really contemplated the idea of how scorned she must have been. For all intents and purposes, she really could have worn a scarlet letter. To everyone around her, it must have seemed as if she were carrying a child illegitimately. In the movie, her family and friends, and Joseph, at first, were all terribly disappointed with her and ashamed of her obvious indiscretions. It's so odd thinking that one could be so very much in the center of God's will, and yet so very shunned by their loved ones. Thankfully, God was gracious to enlighten Joseph through the visitation of an angel, who explained the situation. It's an awfully far-fetched idea: conception by the Holy Spirit...but the ONLY way for the Messiah to begin his life on earth.

The other thought that I've often had in the last few weeks is the gravity of Mary and Joseph's situation as the parents of Jesus. I can't even describe the immense love that I have for my children. If someone told me that I had to willingly give up my child, for the sake of a world of lives at stake, it would be heart-wrenching. Of course, this must have been the case with Mary, who watched her son grow, and love, and heal and teach...and then also to be mistreated, beaten, and nailed to a cross. The despair is inconceivable to me. Blessed was Mary among women...but what a heavy cup.

Of course we must remember that God, the father...felt all of those things. Only, He felt them in proportion to the enormity of His love for Jesus, which was obviously greater than anything that we could ever imagine or feel. God gave us his ONLY SON. Now that I have children, the fact of that statement means so much more to me. And I am overcome with gratitude that I, and that you, and that this world full of people meant enough to the God of the universe, that He gave us His son...the way, the truth, and the life.

Today, we leave to spend Christmas with our families. We will enjoy precious moments and make memories. But at the heart of everything that we do, and what we hope to instill in our children more than any other aspect of this gratitude- for the gift of a child born to a virgin in Bethlehem so long ago...our precious saviour. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


The Berry Family said...

Worried about you and the snow...have been checking for updates every day. Hope you are safe and with family.

Tonia said...

Did you make it okay? I tried to get to OKC Christmas Eve and ended up spending the night in Ardmore because of the storm. It was my worst Christmas ever. Thank god Mark was with me so at least we were together. After getting stuck on the side of the road twice,then on the exit ramp and then again at a gas station. If it wasn't for the kindness of others in Ardmore, we probably would have had to stay there 2 more days.

I hope you're safe!