Monday, December 14, 2009

Yes...we're still here!

Sorry I've been MIA for a week. I just realized how long it's been since I've posted. Two words: Angel Tree! I am our church's coordinator for the Angel Tree ministry this year (along with my good friend, Jessica...who we also help head up the young adult group with...and who's husband has been our "leak consultant.") Anyways, this project has taken up countless hours of planning, projecting and organization.

If you are unfamiliar with Angel Tree, here's a summary. Churches, the Salvation Army, malls, etc...sponsor Angels every year at Christmastime. It is a ministry of Prison Fellowship, which allows incarcerated parents to give a gift to their child/ren through the help of outside sponsor/donors which have taken an Angel tag off of a tree at a church, mall, etc. It's a way for relationships to be kept, rekindled, and reconciled between these prisoners and their children. And it's a way for these children, who often don't live in the best conditions (due to the fact that a parent is in prison) to have their needs met more readily.

Step 1 was contacting the 20ish families that our church was confirm their participation and to find out what toy and practical gift items the children would like to receive.
Step 2 was actually setting up the tree with the tags, and collecting the gifts brought in by our church donors.
Step 3 is hosting the party where we love on the families and distribute the gifts to the children.

The party is this Wednesday, the 16th. If you're reading this, please say a prayer that every family that we are serving is blessed by the love of Christ through us. Our hope is not only that they are happy with their gifts and a fun evening...but that they meet the Savior of the world and the reason for this season, if they haven't.

So...we are finishing up preparations for what is turing out to be a pretty large event. I just tallied a final headcount this morning, and it looks like we'll have around 115 adults and children. Aside from making sure everyone is fed, we'll also have a program consisting of some of our church kids singing, a Nativity craft for all the children while the Christmas story is read and an interactive legend of the Christmas Stocking. The Angels will receive their gifts and a Bible, and their caretakers will receive a gift bag as well. We will be serving 15 families and 28 children.

Once this project is complete, I'll have a lot more time to blog! :-)


sarahholsapple said...

I am so thankful for you and all your hard work on the Angel tree!! By the way ... your blog is so cute!!

The Berry Family said...

Wow! I can't imagine having the time to do that. Of course, you don't have the time either, you made the time.

Tonia said...

What a great project. Good luck tonight! By the way, I got your christmas card and it is so cute!