Thursday, February 17, 2011

Funny Things

Alec's funny thing: A few weeks ago at lunchtime, he had carrot on his face. I said, "I love you carrot face." He replied, "I love you, carrot Mom!"

Emma's funny thing: Today before naptime, Emma was on the potty. She made up a song. (While patting the side of her leg, supposedly like a spanking) she sang, "Noooooo spankin's, nooooooo spankin's, noooooooooo spankin's, noooooo spankin's when you noooooo listen, nooooo listen, noooooo listen, to the Bible!"

I got such a good laugh out of that. I mean, first of all...she realizes that there is a consequence for disobedience and that has something to do with the Bible. But also, if you could have seen her face. It was like she was singing on a music video, with her eyes closed and her head bopping from side to side...she was SO into it.

I post these things because my blog is how I keep a record of some of the priceless moments that I get to enjoy as they grow.

(Disclaimer: we are NOT abusive parents. We correct our children out of love in a Biblical way. I think that most of our readers can appreciate that. )


Lee & Haley said...

HILARIOUS!!! Love it! I was looking at your blog the other day in class (being a bit of a slacker) and my friend saw them and thought they were precious. She thinks Emma's curls are the most beautiful thing she has ever seen and said that Alec's eyes just melted her heart : )

Tonia said...

That is awesome! Emma is so smart.

Veronica Maria said...

man, i can't wait until she sings in the shower. i hope that they are all original compositions:)