Thursday, February 3, 2011

Stir Crazy

The snack I came up with today. Peanut butter ritz happy faces. :-)

These pictures don't make it look like we got that much snow. But we got 7 or 8 inches.

That willow tree looks cool all iced over.


Me with a killer icicle we pulled off the roof.

Snow Cookie.

This was from the last time we got snow.

Alec with his lollipop that Aunt Linda put in his stocking.

And Emma with hers.

Both of them are looking stoked!

Thanks, Aunt Linda!

Today is our third snow day of the week...and tomorrow will be again. I'm starting to go nuts. For the last several weeks, the kids and I have had a routine of going to the gym almost everyday so they can play and I can workout...and we all run off some steam. At least once a week we hit Walmart or Sam's or McDonald's or Chick-Fil-A. Tuesday we got slammed with ice, sleet and snow (7 or 8 inches on top of the ice and sleet)...and we have been homebound ever since.

Aaron worked from home Tuesday and Wednesday, but braved the roads in the Pilot today. We took the kids outside yesterday, but they could only handle 10 minutes (and it took 45 to get bundled up). It's been in the negatives for wind that's understandable.

I'm just dying to get out of the house. Kind of an oxymoron for a "stay at home mom" right? But you know, usually I have the option of going somewhere if I feel like it.
We're supposed to get more snow showers over the next few days. I really hope Arkansas takes a hint from the last three winters of major ice storms and winter weather that we are now a state that would really benefit from road crews that are up to the challenge of plowing FOR REALS.


The Berry Family said...

I wish we had that much snow.

Tonia said...

I got off 2 days of work for an inch of ice.
