Friday, May 20, 2011

Catch up

Well, here I am again trying to figure out all of the things that I've been thinking about blogging about over the past few weeks since my last post. Like everyone, we are busy. And now that the weather is warmer (well, I say that...but the weather has really just been all over the place) we are out and about pretty much everyday. I guess I should say WHEN the weather is warmer. We've had crazy storms, hail, some tornadic activity in the general vicinity, very hot weather, and nearly freezing weather...all in the span of a few weeks. Very odd. But in general, if it's not raining hard or snowing, we hit the gym, the park, picnics, the library, the duck pond, and of course...the backyard...a lot. I like to keep them active and outdoors as much as possible. For one, the physical activity is good. For two, being out in nature offers tons of learning opportunities. For three, it gets them good and tired so they'll take a nice long nap. :-)

Alec and Emma had two checkups recently. The first was their first ever dental visit. I took them to go see a pediatric dentist in Rogers. I really hoped that Aaron would be able to go with us, but it just so happened that he had to install a program at Sam's that that didn't work out. I was a little nervous about having both of them undergoing a completely new, and somewhat invasive experience without both of us there. And, I pretty much had every good reason to feel that way. They acted like 3 year olds.

Alec did fine getting his teeth cleaned. Emma was cool with it while Alec was getting his teeth done. Then it was her turn and she flipped out. She didn't want anything to do with it. After throwing a "turn to jello" fit, I convinced her to just show the hygenist how she brushes her own teeth. She was okay with that, and eventually she warmed up enough to let the hygenist do everything she did with Alec.

While I was trying to deal with Emma, Alec decided he needed to run back and forth on this window seat that was right next to our station.

Then it was time for x-rays...maybe. The hygenist said that they were optional depending on the child. Alec was fine with it. We convinced him it was a superhero seat with a superhero "vest." Emma saw what was happening and knew it would be her turn next, and again...flipped out. She didn't want to be anywhere near the x-ray apparatus. So, she didn't get x-rays.

Then we were to wait for the dentist. This ended up taking so long and all they wanted to do was run around, so I finally asked if we could just go back to the kids' waiting room/play area until he was ready. The kids decided they both needed to pee at that point, so we had a nice little "chat" about behavior while using the restroom. After about 20 minutes, we finally got called back. Dr. Rhodes looked them both over. Emma was a little more responsive to him, presumably because he was a man. Both kids got a good report. Teeth look good, no cavities. Alec's are crowded, may need braces sometime. Emma, we're not sure about as far as orthodontia. They got their fluoride, and after another 10 minutes of checkout, we were out the door...sort of. Emma decided to take her new toothbrush out and practice (which would normally be fine, except that she'd just had fluoride applied, and they weren't supposed to brush for 24 hours...I know it sounds wierd). When I realized this, I had to take it away and she launched into another massive fit on the way out the door.

I called Aaron afterward to tell him what a fantastic morning it had turned out to be, and then headed to Walmart to pick up my new ipod touch~ (happy early Mother's Day to me!) His morning at Sam's turned out to be just as "fun," just in a different way.

The following week, we had their 3 yr well visit with their pediatrician. Usually, at the doc's office, Emma is the "show off" and Alec just plays and is quiet. However, this time, it was completely the opposite. Alec dazzled Dr. Froman with his counting, shape naming, color identification,fine motor, etc. Emma performed, just a lot more quietly and more reserved than usual. When she found out that they can sing the "days of the week" and "months of the year" song...she about fell out of her chair.

She was happy with their diet, their language development, and their growth. Alec weighed in at 32.5# and Emma at 28.5#. He was at 50th percentile for weight and 75th for height (which is huge compared to where he's come from!) She estimated an adult height of 6ft for him! Wowza! I've always wanted a son I could look up to! :-) Emma was at 25th percentile for weight and somewhere right around there for height too. (I wrote it down, but can't find the piece of paper now.) She was estimated to reach a height of 5'3- 5'5ish.

We were up to date on immunizations, so no shots this time. Next year, though, there will I'll prepare myself!

Tonight, we get to go to a birthday party. The kiddo's name is Ethan, and he's their best buddy from church. Mrs. Orenda, his mom, plays with my kids all the time because she is the Wednesday night nursery star! She even comes early on the nights Aaron and I have worship team practice, to watch the kids. We get to eat pizza with Ethan tonight and go to Jump Zone. Alec and Emma CAN'T WAIT! They've even practiced singing to him. :-) I know they'll be thrilled to have him join them in their preschool kids' church class too!

This weekend should be fun. I'm hoping that the weather will be nice. We'll see. I haven't been able to plant any flowers yet this year because of the wacky weather. I have plans for a new garden bed I want to dig out back that I want to get started on too.

Oh, and I've started another dang Nike Challenge. Its a team challenge. Veronica and me vs. her husband Dr. Dan and Chris (the punk who beat me out last summer by running a stupid half marathon the last day of the challenge). We are lovingly referred to as the Ballet Dancers and the Beer Drinkers. At this moment we are ahead...but by less than a mile. Because I am so ridiculously competitive when it comes to these (and I really don't know why), I will probably end up doing my "wake up at 5:30am to run everyday" gig for the next month. The challenge ends on 6/21. I have the Cancer Challenge 10K on 6/25. I can almost guarantee that after that I'll take a little hiatus from running.

Natalie, I know you're thinking "dang, she must be skinny." I wish I could say that I was, but I am actually 5-7 pounds up from where I was last year when I was running my butt off and doing zumba (which I'm still doing...but for some reason with different results) to get ready for V's wedding and the OU Reunion. I had great results running about 3mi 5x a week in the early morning and doing Zumba on Saturday. This year, since I've been focused on furthering my distance...I run fewer times per week, but longer distances. I've been doing Zumba Tues and Thurs mornings, and not running on those days. That doesn't pan out quite as well for cals burned and fat loss.

I need to wrap this post up. But here's a little teaser about the next few posts. (mostly just to help me remember what I've thought about writing about.)
"Now I Know What Apps Are- and other revelations about the technology age"
"Microwave Timer and Coin Toss- logic and your toddler"
"Next Year's Teaching Situation- and why I'm a little freaked out"


Lee & Haley said...

Love the dentist recap!! Your kids crack me up. Next year...teaching....can't wait to hear! Enjoy the crazy weather!

The Berry Family said...

I was totally thinking that.

Tonia said...

I even knew you were thinking that, Nat!