Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Running Post that I Forgot

Somehow, in the midst of everything going on at the end of June going into July, going into vacation time, etc...I managed to miss posting about the outcomes of the Nike Challenge and the Cancer Challenge 10K that I finished.

The Nike Challenge was set up by V and Dr. Dan. It was a team challenge. V and I ran on a team and Dr. Dan and his friend Chris (the punk that beat me in the Palm Sunday to Palm Beach Challenge last year) ran on a team. It was the Ballet Dancers vs. the Beer Drinkers. Obviously, the Ballet Dancers reigned victorious! Yay us! The boys didn't put up much of a challenge, since there wasn't an awesome prize to be won...just bragging rights. Whatever. I don't need a prize to kick some butt. :-) Just as a side note: we won the challenge by more than twice as many miles.

On to the Cancer Challenge. Several members of our church formed Team Liz, to run in honor of our friend's battle with cancer. We formed the team, not realizing that by the time the actual run took place...we'd be running in her memory. I think we all put a lot of spirit into the task, remembering how well Liz ran the race of life. We miss her dearly, and were all so glad to be able to run for her cause. After the race, we compiled our numbers and all signed a hat to give to her mother.

The course was stinkin' hard! There was one ridiculously long hill, that gave me a little bout of mental Tourette's as I was climbing it (I only stopped running to get a few sips of water) and then as I was rejoicing over that stupid hill being the distance...are you freaking kidding me?!?!?!?! another stinkin' hill?!?!?! Yeah, it was. It was shorter but steeper. At least it was over pretty quickly. But those dang hills really did me in! Oy!

Even with the dumb hills, I managed to shave off a little over 3 minutes from my Race For the Cure 10K time. I was pretty stoked about that.

I haven't actually gone running since the Cancer Challenge. I was a little burnt out and I had a littile tendonitis happening in my left ankle. After the run, I was pretty much laid up the rest of the day after we got home. Had to ice and elevate. After a few hours, it went back to normal.

I'm going to go to the gym to do a nice little 2 or 3 mile run today. Need to get back into the swing, but I also need to get some new we'll see how my feet do.

I have to say, I loved the experience being a part of Team Liz. It was so awesome to be surrounded by my church family, really dear friends, working hard and striving for a common goal and purpose. And then, as we all crossed the finish line, to have our team mates there cheering for us and encouraging us, and doing that until the last member crossed the was really awesome. I couldn't help but think about how it will be like that as we cross the finish line of life. How cool will it be to get to heaven and be met by friends and family, cheering us on...and to cheer on others as they enter eternity! It's going to be amazing!

Here are some pics!

Team Liz

Rocking in on to the finish line

Almost done

So happy to be done!

Official time 1:03:42.9 (better than my last race at 1:07)

Nice and sweaty!

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