Saturday, Aaron did some yard work and I did some house work, and in the afternoon, we made a trip to Sam's, dropped off the recycling and then took the kids to the splash park. It's a nifty fenced in slab of concrete with a bunch of sprinklers, water canons and buckets that tip water out. Kids can just run around and get wet...and the parents get wet too. Alec and Emma had soooooo much fun, and we had fun watching them have fun! We got really wet too, which was fine considering it was mid 90's that day.
Sunday, after church, we all went to get Aaron and me some new running shoes. He always jogs or works out on his lunch hour, and his old shoes are shot. I've decided to start a running program because I need to reintroduce cardiovascular training into my life. Since I only teach one day a week, and it's logistically difficult at this time to hit the gym with two babies (even though they do offer childcare)...I've resolved to get up when Aaron gets up to run. I'm back before he leaves, and still have an hour to spare before the kids get up. Now, I know the dancers that read this may be gasping. Running, like skiing, is one of those things that dancers are NOT supposed to do. It bulks up your leg muscles and can be hard on the joints that you are already being pretty hard on. Skiing works against turnout (don't know about running). But, I'm not really dancing anymore, and walking doesn't get my heartrate up enough to feel like I'm really being benefitted, so...I'm trying the jogging thing out.
Another reason this is good, is for my dog, Cookie. Before the kids, we took walks everyday. For fifteen months, these have been sporadic at best, and I can tell she's dealt with it, but has been longing for her mommy time. So, Cookie and I will be hitting the pavement together again. She was pretty darn excited about it this morning. It was nice to have her drag me along behind her.
But back to the weekend. Sunday evening, some of our good friends from church, Harris and Sarah, came over. I made pasta, and they brought bread and dessert. They knew that our anniversary was today, so they brought us a cake, and also two cards: one from them, and one they made out to be from Alec and Emma. VERY VERY SWEET! We enjoyed their company, and good food together. The red velvet cake was soooo yummy, and we took some goofy pics cutting the cake together (wedding style).
I feel so very blessed every day to have the kind of husband that many women can only hope for. Over the years, he has supported me in all of my endeavors, in addition to supporting us as a family. He's made sacrifices for me and for our kids. He is loving and devoted, and he brings laughter, music, fun, joy, compassion, generosity, and Godly headship into our home. When I married him, I didn't realize that with each passing year, and with the birth of our children, how much more I would come to love and respect him. I would marry him again and again!
Happy Anniversary, Hunny Bunny! Thank you for seven wonderful years! I love you the most!
Happy Anniversary!!!!!!
Running won't bulk up your legs like you think--you have to run sprints in order for them to bulk up. Long distance, or endurance running will give you long, lean muscles (I realize you're not running marathons, but anything over 1.5 miles is long distance) . It actually started giving me dancer's legs again. Good luck! Since I fell, I quit and am sticking to the "loosing muscle tone" work out routine.
Good luck with the running. I'm agreeing with Veronica's comment. I attempted the whole running thing but it hurt my knees & hips too much. Maybe after I stop dancing my body will return to normal so it won't hurt to be parallel for that long.
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