Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Funny Buddy

Two cute things Alec did this morning:

1. Walked up to me with a play teacup pretending to sip on it and then exclaimed "mmmm, tea!"
My Nana would be so proud!

2. Brought me a goldfish crumb that he'd found on the floor. I said "Thank you, Buddy! What a good boy!" and he emphatically shook his head up and down in agreement with me. But then he put his hand out as if to say "stop...wait, there is something you're still missing, Mom!" Then he took my hand (very seriously) and flipped it over palm up and gave me five. Basically he was like "Hello! I'm supposed to give you five when I do good stuff!"

I love my job. :-)

1 comment:

Tonia said...

Ha ha ha. That's awesome!