Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Love Machine

Yesterday afternoon, after we went for a walk in the awesome fall weather (been in the 60s and 70s...and this morning was upper 30s lower 40s when I went for my jog) we came home for a snack and some "quiet" time (without the tv on as background noise). The kids kept asking me to play their musical toy doggie and they were just dancing and having a ball. We probably played it about 10 times or so. Here is some video.

P.S. I'm trying to get birthday weekend pics up...but blogger and facebook are both not letting me upload. It's very annoying! Maybe you'll get to see them by the time I'm 30! :-)

1 comment:

The Busler Family said...

How fun!! Boston just watched that with me and laughed the whole time! I think he wanted to join in the fun :)