Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What I Did During Monday Morning Nap

Remember the new flower bed I was talking about? It was already dug, thanks to my husband, Mr. Muscles...it's really quite comical when I try to dig into the sod. I'll bet I look so cool to the people driving by as I jump up and down on the shovel trying to break ground with my entire body weight. This works great when its just soil...but as I mentioned before, those !#$%^&* ROCKS are everywhere. Anyways, he did the hard work getting the ground torn up and I pulled the grass chunks last weekend. So romantic!

Anyways, in the hour and 45 that I was outside yesterday, I added the good stuff (Miracle Grow moisture control garden soil) to the clay and rocks and got it worked in, edged (a pain in the rear), planted (and dug up more rocks), and mulched. I kept pushing through, even though I could tell early on that my body would be paying...and it did, and even though I was going to have to teach modern that night. I could tell that my back and rear end were in knots after about a half hour. I'll bet yard work burns a TON of calories. Anyways, here are some pics of my major accomplishment for the day. The crepe myrtle we ordered will go in the empty spot on the corner. I didn't take pictures of the awesome sunburn I got on my back and shoulders. :-(

And just in case you're wondering, I did survive modern. :-) But my run this morning was pretty darn slow.

1 comment:

Lee & Haley said...

I despise the red mud. It gets EVERYWHERE and stains so bad! Looks pretty!!