Thursday, October 1, 2009

10 Stack

Here is a picture of the awesome 10-high stack of blocks that Emma made yesterday. Alec makes them quite often too. In fact, I counted an 11-high a few days ago. It just always seems like the towers get demolished before I can get the camera. Both of the kids are pretty coordinated.

Emma actually escaped "the pen" today. I'm pretty sure she flipped over a box and climbed on top of it to scale the ottoman and get out. She came parading into the kitchen with a big huge smile on her face. Then she wasn't too happy when I put her back in the living room. But I stayed around to have a dance party with them, and all was well. I had honesly only gone into the kitchen for a moment. They're smart kids. I won't be able to keep them contained forever. But as long as I can convince them that they can't get out of the living room...I will. :-)

This afternoon I had to take Emma to the ped. She has had two blister-like sores in her diaper area for about 5 or 6 days now. I've tried zinc oxide and Neosporin. Nothing has cleared it up. It's getting worse and spreading. I was concerned that it might be staph and that's what the doc thinks it is. I'm still trying to decompress from the visit because the appt. was at 2:40pm and the doc didn't enter the exam room until around 3:20-25ish. Usually, Aaron and I always take the kids to the doc together, or one of us will stay home with the well child. One on one is the best possible scenario. But today that wasn't an option. He had a full day of meetings, and tomorrow wasn't looking good either. I wanted to nip this in the bud, so I sucked it up and took them.
We take them in in the stroller when we have to go solo. The trick is to get them to be entertained in the stroller. I can't handle running after two toddlers in the waiting room. Then, when we were waiting in the exam room for what felt like an eternity...I finally let them out to walk around. It was okay...better than screaming to get out of the stroller (and screaming because as soon as they saw the room they thought they were going to get shots). But after 20 mins of trying to block the door, the cabinet doors, the computer, the sharp corners of the bar top, and the electrical chord to the ear light thingy, I thought I was going to go ape. I finally put Alec back in the stroller (the lesser of two screamers), and let Emma stay out because she'd have to be examined anyway.
Finally, the doc came in and spent 2 minutes checking her out. We got an Rx for a strong topical antibiotic and were told that if that didn't work, we'd need to get an oral one. That sounded great, until I got the bill for the stuff at the drug store. $78!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that's with insurance covering part of it. All I have to say is, Emma is totally worth it, and staph is not something we mess with around here. We have a healthy fear of that stuff...but dang, it's like I'm rubbing gold on her bottom! So, that was our afternoon. They're napping now, and I need to go start dinner. I'm done venting. :-)


Veronica Maria said...

so basically what you're saying is, you paid $78 for butt cream? fantastic:)

Alec & Emma Davis said...

That is exactly what I'm saying. And a tube of it that is probably only like .5 oz or something. It's like I'm rubbing gold on her butt.

The Berry Family said...

But the bigger question is how did she get staph?