Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Alec's Suit

Tonight we tried on Alec's suit for his Tia V's ("auntie" V's) wedding in February. I have to admit, it's pretty darn cute. We couldn't get him to hold still for a picture! Tia, if the arras/tray are anything like a broom, it should all be good. I think he looks like he could work at a movie theatre with the broom and suit! ha! The hat, unfortunately is way small, as is often the case with infant/toddler sets like this. We'll see if we can find another hat if you really want one, Tia.


Tonia said...

He is too freakin cute in that suit!

Lee & Haley said...

TOO TOO cute! He has the BEST smile!!!

Lee & Haley said...

Oh, and so exciting that you're thinking about teaching. It is such a reward! You should be able to get your cert. lightening fast. Keep me posted!