Tuesday, April 20, 2010

2-Year Checkup

On Monday, we took the kids to their two year well visit at the pediatrician's office. Everything went great. They got two shots each, but we went to go get ice cream after, and of course, that makes it all better. They got MMR (if you are gasping- please try to be calm...we waited until they were two, plus they recanted on the main study that supposedly linked MMR vaccine to autism) and Hib. Then they napped for like 2.5 hrs. Yay!

Alec weighed in at 27#, and is 50th percentile for weight and 95th for height at 36.5 inches tall. They wrote Emma down as 23# (but she was squirming and didn't want anything to do with the scale...we think she's 24#). She's 5th percentile for weight and 60th for height at 34.5 inches tall. Oh well, girls don't mind being tall and skinny, right? Believe me, she eats...a lot!

But the BEST thing about the Dr's visit was the report from the pediatrician. Alec and Emma really "performed" for her. There was a shape sorter out and several books they were looking at, and they talked a lot for her, counted, identified shapes, sorted, stacked, etc. She said that she was amazed. She said that she'd be happy with them if they were at their 3 yr. checkup! Apparently, their verbal, motor and cognitive skills are pretty advanced. She couldn't believe some of the things that they were doing. (advanced shape, color recognition, and their communication skills)

So, of course, Aaron and I had to try to keep the huge smile off of our faces. And we had big heads all day yesterday. Dr. Froman wanted to know what daycare/preschool program they were in that they were learning so much. I said "it's just me." I guess sometimes stay-at-home kids don't develop some skills as quickly because they aren't in an environment with a curriculum and where they're socializing as much. But we read a TON, and we do a lot of learning activities. Anyways, sorry if this parental gloating session has annoyed you. But, hey we're super proud. And I can say for sure that a lot of the kiddos A & E socialize with are very intelligent as well. We know we don't have the only superbabies!


Lee & Haley said...

Congrats Alec and Emma! I think the babies of great parents are always smarter : )

Tish said...

So glad to hear that the kiddos are doing so well! You really are an incredible mom, and it shows in what your kids learn every day!

Alec & Emma Davis said...

Thanks, ladies!

Tonia said...

That's awesome! You can be proud & gloating parents anytime.

Veronica Maria said...

I knew my babies were tiny Einsteins!:)