Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This post is kindof dedicated to Titi V. Apparently, I used to steamroll her a lot when we'd spend the night together in jr. high, high school, and maybe even college. For those of you who are not familiar with the steamroller, it's when you roll yourself over another person's body. It's a great way to wake someone up! Anyways, we've had a lot of dreary, rainy days here...and at times I've been at a loss as to how to keep my kids entertained (since we haven't been getting to the park so often.) So, I pull the mattress out of Emma's crib sometimes and lay it on the floor and let them jump. No, it's probably not the safest thing in the world, but I play lifeguard. The other day, I taught them how to steamroll. They don't roll over anyone...just across the mattress and into a pile of blankets and pillows yelling "steamroller!" Here's a video for you V.


Tonia said...

Cute! I'm sure its difficult to keep little ones entertained inside all day. Here's to hoping you stay creative. :)

Veronica Maria said...

The only thing that could possibly make this any better is if I were steamrolling THEM:)