Friday, November 14, 2008

Something that used to be so simple...

Okay, I can't say that I love changing diapers, but it used to be so much easier...that is, before my children became extremely mobile wiggle worms. Both Emma and Alec decide that they are going to go crazy if they can't roll over or crawl away as soon as I try to change their diaper. Something that used to take less than a minute (even with poop), now takes all of my effort and energy. I have to have one or two toys or diversions ready, or it just won't happen. Once I finally get them cleaned up and a new diaper on, and I'm trying to tie up the old diaper, they're already getting away from me, and I must regain their attention so that I can put their bottoms back on. Oh, just thinking about it makes me tired. They are both so darn strong! I guess that's what we get for having them on the strict weight-training and cardio program for the cage fighting. This scenario plays out about twelve to fourteen times a day (since I have to do everything twice : )). When the dog is around it's even more fun, because she thinks that she needs to sniff around and get in on the action. Good times, people...good times!

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